Senin, 18 April 2011


Tourism is not an activity which wasting time, money, and wasting energy. More than those activities, tourism is a potential matter which can develops into great industry. Even though are not every places is a tourism place, but how lucky a place where has potentials tourism, because not only gives a popularity to the place where has been tourism place, but also it can gives potential industry and great incomes to the place which can make alive all human life sectors in the area.
But it is not easy matter to manage a tourism place to result great income; a special ability is need here to change an ordinary tourism place into extraordinary money producer. And for this reason, so a tourism manager have to study economic tourism in order to develop their tourism place and have to pay attention for follow matters;
1.  Offer Aspect in Tourism
Referring to Medik, 1980 (in Ariyanto, 2005), there are four aspects which have to concern in offering tourism. It is known as 4A, they are;
(1)  Attraction
A tourism place must be has attraction matters to make interest a tourist, both nature appeal or people and cultural appeal.
(2)  Access (transport)
A tourism place must have an adequate access in order to make easy to get the tourism place for both of domestic tourist and inter local tourist.
(3)  Amenities (facilities)
It is an important requirement for every tourism place in order to make comfort tourist and make them stay longer in the place.
(4)  Ancillary
With an integral ancillary tourism, every tourist will visit a tourism place more often because it can gives protection for tourist.

2.  Tourist motivation to do tourism trip.
Motivation factors is a matter in another area which give impulse for someone to avoid from daily activities to find out and to give psychologist pleasure (McIntosh,
1977 and Murphy, 1985; in Pitana, 2005).
According to Pearce, 1998 (in Pitana, 2005) tourist is motivated by some factors in doing tourism trip, they are; ficiologist, social, prestige, and acculturation
According to Sharpley (1994), and Wahab (1995), there are some motivation factors which give drive for a tourist to do a tourism trip. Even though sometime this matter is not realized by the tourist but it is an important factor for tourism manager to develop their tourism place.
The motivation of the tourist is classified into four classes, they are;
(1)    Physical or physiological motivation
It is a psychic motivation such as; relaxation, health, or comfort which doing by sport activity, relax, and so on.
(2)   Cultural motivation
It is a passion to discover culture, habit, tradition, and art for particular area.

(3)   Social or interpersonal motivation
It is a social motivation, such as visiting friend or family, meeting with partner, or to avoid boring matters.
(4)   Fantasy
It is a recreation with just for fun purpose.

Above factors are little factors which influenced tourism from economic sectors, so many other economic factors which have to attend by tourism manager. In conclusion economic gives great influences to tourism.

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Morfologi Bahasa Jerman - Deutsch Morphology




1.1      Background of the Study
Germany language –also has been known as Deutsch- is one of the most popular languages in the world, especially west Europe. This is not surprising, because Germanic tribes conquered any nations along the second world wars, and it was possible for them to separate their language to the residents in every country where they conquered. Moreover, until now there are cities or countries where used Deutsch as their first language, for example are in Venlo (Holland), Alsace-Lorraine (France), or Belgium.
Deutsch is classified into language which is not too hard to learn. Even though has complicated grammatical structural, but if you want to learn step by step, you will master it. One matter which make us easy to learn Deutsch, it is what is written, is the spelling.  
In addition Deutsch had a special relation with our main study, English. So many words in Deutsch are similar as English. Do you know why?  Remember, when Germanic tribes who led by Anglo Saxon conquered England, they succeed give a strong influence to English in generals. Moreover, name of ‘England’ also came from a Germanic tribe Anglo, who conquered England and admitted England as their land, and then called ‘Anglo land’ and lastly known as ‘England’.
As an international language, of course it is interest for us to introduce with Deutsch. As a foreign language, we do not have to improve Deutsch in serious level, just introduce the basic of Deutsch and the variable morphemes in Deutsch are enough for us to feel amaze.

1.2      Problem Formulation
1.    What does morphemes which exist in Deutsch?
2.    What does their classification?

1.3      Aim of the study
As the other morphological study, this study is also wants to find out followed purposes:
  1. To find out the variable morphemes in Deutsch.
  2. To discover what they are classified?

1.4      Limitation of the study
In order to reduce the mistakes as far as possible, the writers give limitation in their study. The study is just going to discuss about morpheme which exist in Deutsch, both of derivational and inflectional morphemes. This paper is not containing all of morphemes in Deutsch, just only particular morphemes which often meet in Deutsch.
Article also the most interesting structural in Deutsch. You must be want to know about what does the function of articles der, die, and, das in Deutsch. When they used, and what does the meaning. Little of those are going to explain in this paper.


2.1 Affixes in Deutsch.
Most of affixes in Deutsch are suffixes. Suffixes dominate the whole of affixes in Deutsch; noun forming, verb forming, and adjective forming. (Kahlo Simon, 1967)
1.    Verb forming affixes:
·         {-en}

2.    Noun forming suffixes:
·         {-e}
·         {-est}
·         {-heit}
·         {-keit}

3.    Noun inflectional morpheme:
·         {-aber}
·         {-schaf}

4.    Adjective inflectional morpheme:
·         {-lich}


2.2 The Derivational Morphemes in Deutsch
Most of affixes in Deutsch are suffixes. Suffixes dominate the whole of affixes in Deutsch; noun forming, verb forming, and adjective forming (Kahlo Simon, 1967)
1.   Verb forming suffixes
Deutsch only have one suffix which categorized as verb forming suffixes. Suffix {-en} changes noun into verb, most of them just have to add {-en} to change into verb.
Suffix {-en} change noun into verb. Most of Deutsch words is added {-en} to change noun into verb
  1. abbild = salinan (noun)
           abbild + {-en} = menyalin (verb)
Word abbild means copy (Indo: salinan), after adding suffix {-en} becomes ‘abbilden’ which    means to copy (menyalin).

  1. vorles = bacaan (noun)
vorles + {-en} = membaca (verb)
Word vorles means ‘bacaan’ (noun), after adding suffix {-en} becomes ‘vorlesen’ (mambaca).

2.    Noun forming suffixes
Deutsch had some suffixes to change the class category into noun. Most of them changes adjective into a noun, there are four suffixes; {-e}, {-est}, {heit}, {-keit}. There is also a suffix which change verb into noun, it is {-ung}. Check it one by one:

  1. {-e}
Suffix {-e} changes adjective into noun. For further explanation see the examples.
1.    Weit = luas (adjective)
Wieite + {-e} = keluasan (noun)
Word ‘weit’ means wide (adjective), after adding suffix {-e} becomes weite means width (noun). It means that suffix {-e} change adjective into noun. 
2.    Gross = besar (adjective)
Gross + {-e} = kebesaran (noun)
Word ‘gross’ means big (adjective), after adding suffix {-e} becomes grosse means kebesaran in Indonesia (noun). It means that suffix {-e} change adjective into noun. 

    2.    {-est}
Suffix {-est} also changes adjective into noun. For further explanation see the example.
Gesund = segar (adjective)
Gesund + {-est} = kesegaran (noun)
Word ‘gesund’ means fresh (adjective), after adding suffix {-est} becomes gesundest means kesegaran in Indonesia (noun). It means that suffix {-e} change adjective into noun.

    3.    {-heit}
This is the third suffix in Deutsch which changes adjective into noun. Let’s see the example for more explanation.
Frei = bebas (adjective)
Frei + {-est} = kebebasan (noun)
Word ‘frei’ means free (adjective), after adding suffix {-heit} becomes freiheit means freedom (noun). It means that suffix {-heit} change adjective into noun. 

4.    {-keit}
       This is another suffix in Deutsch which changes adjective into noun. See the example:
1.    Moglich = mungkin (adjective)
Moglich + {-keit} = kemungkinan (noun)
Word ‘moglich’ means possible (adjective), after adding suffix {-keit} becomes freiheit means possibility (noun). It means that suffix {-heit} change adjective into noun.
2.    Mildtatig = murah tangan / baik (adjective)
Mildtatig + {-keit} = kemurahan tangan (noun)
Word ‘mildtatig’ means kind (adjective), after adding suffix {-keit} becomes mildtatigkeit means kindness (noun). It means that suffix {-heit} change adjective into noun.

5.    {-ung}
Different from four suffixes before which change adjective into noun, suffix {-ung} changes verb into noun. Let’s see the example:
1.    Bewegen = bergerak (verb)
Bewege + {-ung} = pergerakan (noun)
Word ‘bewegen’ means move (verb), after adding suffix {-ung} becomes bewegung means movement (noun). It means that suffix {ung} change verb into noun.
2.    Entwicken = berkembang (verb)
Entwicke + {-ung} = perkembangan (noun)
Word ‘entwicke’ means develop (verb), after adding suffix {-ung} becomes entwicklung means development (noun). It means that suffix {ung} change verb into noun.

2.3 The Inflectional Morphemes in Deutsch
Some of inflectional morpheme in Deutsch are {-aber}, {-schaf}, and {-lich}. All of them are suffixes. {-aber} and {-schaf} are inflectional noun morpheme, meanwhile {-lich} is adjective inflectional morpheme. Let’s see one by one (R. Yunita; 2010).
1.    {-aber}
Suffix {-aber} is inflectional noun morpheme. See the example:
Macht = kekuasaan (noun)
Macht + {-aber} = penguasa (noun)

2.    {-schaf}
Suffix {-schaf} also classified into noun morpheme. See the example;
Freund = sahabat (noun)
Freund + {-schaf} = persahabatan (noun)
Word ‘freund’ means friend (noun), after added suffix {-schaf} becomes freundschaf the meaning change into friendship (noun). There is no change in class of word, so suffix {-aber} classified into Inflectionl morpheme.

3.    {-lich}
Different from two morphemes before, suffix {-lich} is adjective inflectional morpheme. For explanation, see the example;
Ganze = semua (adjective)
Ganz + {-lich} = sepenuhnya (adjective)
Word ‘ganze’ means semua (adjective) in Indonesia, after added suffix {-lich} becomes ganzlich the meaning change into sepenuhnya (adjective) in Indonesia. There is no change in class of word, so suffix {-aber} classified into Inflectionl morpheme.

2.4      Article
As the other languages in around the world, Deutsch also has articles which accompany a noun in a structural sentence. There are three kind of articles in Deutsch; Besstimten artikel, unbestimmten artikel, and ohne artikel. Deutsch has been known three articles based on their gender characteristic, thre are; der, die, and das. Der for maskulin, die for feminim, and das for neutral. In the world there are only three languages which admitted article based in the gender, they are; France, Spain, and Deutsch. On France and Spain only known two articles, meanwhile Deutsch is consist of three articles.
Bestimmten Artikel
Unbestimmten Artikel
Negativ Artikel

2.4.1 Article based on the function:
A. Bestimmten Artikel
Based on the function, bestimmten artikel divided into three categories;
·         Bestimmten artikel used or a noun which known by the speaker and listener about a matter which they talk about.
·         Something will speak repeated, and
·         Adjective for superlative level.
Bestimmten artikel has special function as “the” in English.
Bestimmen artikel consists of: der, die, das.

B.  Unbestimmen Artikel
Unbestimmen artikel is used for a noun which do not know yet before, or speak for the first time, and only used for singular noun. It has same function as “a or an” in English. Unbestimmen artikel consists of: ein, eine, ein.

C. Der Singular Ohne Artikel.
It is used for a noun which does not have to follow by an article. In Deutsch there are three conditions;

1.    Name of person, cities, countries, or continental
2.    Indefinite noun.
3.    Uncountable noun.

2.4.2          How to Use Articles der (maskulin), die (feminism), and das (neutral)?

A. der (Maskulin)
1. Man gender
·         der Vater = father
·         der Sohn = son
·         der Onkel = uncle
2. Animal
·         der Affe = monkey
·         der Elefant = elphant
3. Day in a week
·         der Sonntag = Sunday
·         der Montag = Monday
·         der Dienstag = Tuesday
4. Season
·         der Frühling = fall
·         der Winter = winter
·         der Sommer = summer

5. A month in a year
  • der Januar = January
  • der Pebruar = February
  • der März = March
 6. Part of a day
  • der Abend = evening
  • der Mittag = afternoon
  • der Morgen = morning
7. Determiner in compass
  • der Süden = south
  • der Norden = north
  • der Osten = east

B. Die (feminim)
1. Female gender
  • die Tante = aunt
  • die Mutter = mother
2. Female ocupation
·         die Ärztin = woman doctor
  • die Kellnerin = waitress
  • die Lehrerin = woman teacher
3. Plants
  • die Tanne = tree
  • die Tulpe = tulip
  • die Sakura = sakura
4. Fruits
  • die Tomate = tomato
  • die Banane = banana
  • die Karotte = carrot
5. Nouns which suffixed by:
  • e – die Lampe = lamp
  • heit - die Freiheit = freedom
  • keit – die Möglichkeit = possibility
6. Final words from English lean word or other foreign language:
  • ade – die Limonade = lemon
  • anz – die Bilanz = neraca (Indo)
C. Das (Neutrum)
1. Nouns which started with “ge”
  • das Gesicht = wawasan (Indo)
  • das Gericht = court
2. Colour
  • das Blau = blue
  • das Grün = green
  • das Rot = red
4. Metallic nouns
  • das Silber = silver
  • das Gold = gold
  • das Metall = metal
5. Infinitive and verb which transform into noun
  • essen – das Essen = food
  • gut – das gute = greeting

2.5      Subject in Deutsch

First person
Second Person
Third Person

dia- perempuan“die”
dia – *KB.A “das”
First person
Second person
kalian semua
Third person

Anda ,tuan/nyonya

2.6      Conclusion

·         Deutsch is one of the most popular languages in the world, especially west Europe.
·         There are two variables of morpheme in Deutsch; derivational morpheme and inflectional morpheme.
·         Derivational morphemes consist of:
1.    Verb forming affixes; {-en}.
2.    Noun forming affixes; {-e}, {-est}, (-heit}, {-keit}, {-ung}
·         Inflectional morphemes consist of:
1.    Noun forming affixes; {-aber}, {-schaf}.
2.    Adjective forming suffixes; {-lich}
·         Deutsch knows three kind of articles; bestimmen artikel, unbestimmen artikel, and null artikel.
·         Bestimmen artikel consist of der, die, and das. Each of them is difference by its condition of follower noun.


Simon, kahlo and Barwinkel. DEUTSCH – INDONESISCH WORTERBUCH. 1967. Leipzig:     VEB Leipziger Druckhaus

Simon, kahlo and Barwinkel. INDONESISCH - DEUTSCH WORTERBUCH. 1967. Leipzig:     VEB Leipziger Druckhaus

Yunia, R and T. Kuhne. Kamus Jerman – Indonesia Indonesia – Jerman. 2010. Jakarta: Transmedia

Yunia, R. Buku Pintar Tata Bahasa Jerman. 2011. Jakarta: transmedia





1.1      Background of the Study
Germany language –also has been known as Deutsch- is one of the most popular languages in the world, especially west Europe. This is not surprising, because Germanic tribes conquered any nations along the second world wars, and it was possible for them to separate their language to the residents in every country where they conquered. Moreover, until now there are cities or countries where used Deutsch as their first language, for example are in Venlo (Holland), Alsace-Lorraine (France), or Belgium.
Deutsch is classified into language which is not too hard to learn. Even though has complicated grammatical structural, but if you want to learn step by step, you will master it. One matter which make us easy to learn Deutsch, it is what is written, is the spelling.  
In addition Deutsch had a special relation with our main study, English. So many words in Deutsch are similar as English. Do you know why?  Remember, when Germanic tribes who led by Anglo Saxon conquered England, they succeed give a strong influence to English in generals. Moreover, name of ‘England’ also came from a Germanic tribe Anglo, who conquered England and admitted England as their land, and then called ‘Anglo land’ and lastly known as ‘England’.
As an international language, of course it is interest for us to introduce with Deutsch. As a foreign language, we do not have to improve Deutsch in serious level, just introduce the basic of Deutsch and the variable morphemes in Deutsch are enough for us to feel amaze.

1.2      Problem Formulation
1.    What does morphemes which exist in Deutsch?
2.    What does their classification?

1.3      Aim of the study
As the other morphological study, this study is also wants to find out followed purposes:
  1. To find out the variable morphemes in Deutsch.
  2. To discover what they are classified?

1.4      Limitation of the study
In order to reduce the mistakes as far as possible, the writers give limitation in their study. The study is just going to discuss about morpheme which exist in Deutsch, both of derivational and inflectional morphemes. This paper is not containing all of morphemes in Deutsch, just only particular morphemes which often meet in Deutsch.
Article also the most interesting structural in Deutsch. You must be want to know about what does the function of articles der, die, and, das in Deutsch. When they used, and what does the meaning. Little of those are going to explain in this paper.


2.1 Affixes in Deutsch.
Most of affixes in Deutsch are suffixes. Suffixes dominate the whole of affixes in Deutsch; noun forming, verb forming, and adjective forming. (Kahlo Simon, 1967)
1.    Verb forming affixes:
·         {-en}

2.    Noun forming suffixes:
·         {-e}
·         {-est}
·         {-heit}
·         {-keit}

3.    Noun inflectional morpheme:
·         {-aber}
·         {-schaf}

4.    Adjective inflectional morpheme:
·         {-lich}


2.2 The Derivational Morphemes in Deutsch
Most of affixes in Deutsch are suffixes. Suffixes dominate the whole of affixes in Deutsch; noun forming, verb forming, and adjective forming (Kahlo Simon, 1967)
1.   Verb forming suffixes
Deutsch only have one suffix which categorized as verb forming suffixes. Suffix {-en} changes noun into verb, most of them just have to add {-en} to change into verb.
Suffix {-en} change noun into verb. Most of Deutsch words is added {-en} to change noun into verb
  1. abbild = salinan (noun)
           abbild + {-en} = menyalin (verb)
Word abbild means copy (Indo: salinan), after adding suffix {-en} becomes ‘abbilden’ which    means to copy (menyalin).

  1. vorles = bacaan (noun)
vorles + {-en} = membaca (verb)
Word vorles means ‘bacaan’ (noun), after adding suffix {-en} becomes ‘vorlesen’ (mambaca).

2.    Noun forming suffixes
Deutsch had some suffixes to change the class category into noun. Most of them changes adjective into a noun, there are four suffixes; {-e}, {-est}, {heit}, {-keit}. There is also a suffix which change verb into noun, it is {-ung}. Check it one by one:

  1. {-e}
Suffix {-e} changes adjective into noun. For further explanation see the examples.
1.    Weit = luas (adjective)
Wieite + {-e} = keluasan (noun)
Word ‘weit’ means wide (adjective), after adding suffix {-e} becomes weite means width (noun). It means that suffix {-e} change adjective into noun. 
2.    Gross = besar (adjective)
Gross + {-e} = kebesaran (noun)
Word ‘gross’ means big (adjective), after adding suffix {-e} becomes grosse means kebesaran in Indonesia (noun). It means that suffix {-e} change adjective into noun. 

    2.    {-est}
Suffix {-est} also changes adjective into noun. For further explanation see the example.
Gesund = segar (adjective)
Gesund + {-est} = kesegaran (noun)
Word ‘gesund’ means fresh (adjective), after adding suffix {-est} becomes gesundest means kesegaran in Indonesia (noun). It means that suffix {-e} change adjective into noun.

    3.    {-heit}
This is the third suffix in Deutsch which changes adjective into noun. Let’s see the example for more explanation.
Frei = bebas (adjective)
Frei + {-est} = kebebasan (noun)
Word ‘frei’ means free (adjective), after adding suffix {-heit} becomes freiheit means freedom (noun). It means that suffix {-heit} change adjective into noun. 

4.    {-keit}
       This is another suffix in Deutsch which changes adjective into noun. See the example:
1.    Moglich = mungkin (adjective)
Moglich + {-keit} = kemungkinan (noun)
Word ‘moglich’ means possible (adjective), after adding suffix {-keit} becomes freiheit means possibility (noun). It means that suffix {-heit} change adjective into noun.
2.    Mildtatig = murah tangan / baik (adjective)
Mildtatig + {-keit} = kemurahan tangan (noun)
Word ‘mildtatig’ means kind (adjective), after adding suffix {-keit} becomes mildtatigkeit means kindness (noun). It means that suffix {-heit} change adjective into noun.

5.    {-ung}
Different from four suffixes before which change adjective into noun, suffix {-ung} changes verb into noun. Let’s see the example:
1.    Bewegen = bergerak (verb)
Bewege + {-ung} = pergerakan (noun)
Word ‘bewegen’ means move (verb), after adding suffix {-ung} becomes bewegung means movement (noun). It means that suffix {ung} change verb into noun.
2.    Entwicken = berkembang (verb)
Entwicke + {-ung} = perkembangan (noun)
Word ‘entwicke’ means develop (verb), after adding suffix {-ung} becomes entwicklung means development (noun). It means that suffix {ung} change verb into noun.

2.3 The Inflectional Morphemes in Deutsch
Some of inflectional morpheme in Deutsch are {-aber}, {-schaf}, and {-lich}. All of them are suffixes. {-aber} and {-schaf} are inflectional noun morpheme, meanwhile {-lich} is adjective inflectional morpheme. Let’s see one by one (R. Yunita; 2010).
1.    {-aber}
Suffix {-aber} is inflectional noun morpheme. See the example:
Macht = kekuasaan (noun)
Macht + {-aber} = penguasa (noun)

2.    {-schaf}
Suffix {-schaf} also classified into noun morpheme. See the example;
Freund = sahabat (noun)
Freund + {-schaf} = persahabatan (noun)
Word ‘freund’ means friend (noun), after added suffix {-schaf} becomes freundschaf the meaning change into friendship (noun). There is no change in class of word, so suffix {-aber} classified into Inflectionl morpheme.

3.    {-lich}
Different from two morphemes before, suffix {-lich} is adjective inflectional morpheme. For explanation, see the example;
Ganze = semua (adjective)
Ganz + {-lich} = sepenuhnya (adjective)
Word ‘ganze’ means semua (adjective) in Indonesia, after added suffix {-lich} becomes ganzlich the meaning change into sepenuhnya (adjective) in Indonesia. There is no change in class of word, so suffix {-aber} classified into Inflectionl morpheme.

2.4      Article
As the other languages in around the world, Deutsch also has articles which accompany a noun in a structural sentence. There are three kind of articles in Deutsch; Besstimten artikel, unbestimmten artikel, and ohne artikel. Deutsch has been known three articles based on their gender characteristic, thre are; der, die, and das. Der for maskulin, die for feminim, and das for neutral. In the world there are only three languages which admitted article based in the gender, they are; France, Spain, and Deutsch. On France and Spain only known two articles, meanwhile Deutsch is consist of three articles.
Bestimmten Artikel
Unbestimmten Artikel
Negativ Artikel

2.4.1 Article based on the function:
A. Bestimmten Artikel
Based on the function, bestimmten artikel divided into three categories;
·         Bestimmten artikel used or a noun which known by the speaker and listener about a matter which they talk about.
·         Something will speak repeated, and
·         Adjective for superlative level.
Bestimmten artikel has special function as “the” in English.
Bestimmen artikel consists of: der, die, das.

B.  Unbestimmen Artikel
Unbestimmen artikel is used for a noun which do not know yet before, or speak for the first time, and only used for singular noun. It has same function as “a or an” in English. Unbestimmen artikel consists of: ein, eine, ein.

C. Der Singular Ohne Artikel.
It is used for a noun which does not have to follow by an article. In Deutsch there are three conditions;

1.    Name of person, cities, countries, or continental
2.    Indefinite noun.
3.    Uncountable noun.

2.4.2          How to Use Articles der (maskulin), die (feminism), and das (neutral)?

A. der (Maskulin)
1. Man gender
·         der Vater = father
·         der Sohn = son
·         der Onkel = uncle
2. Animal
·         der Affe = monkey
·         der Elefant = elphant
3. Day in a week
·         der Sonntag = Sunday
·         der Montag = Monday
·         der Dienstag = Tuesday
4. Season
·         der Frühling = fall
·         der Winter = winter
·         der Sommer = summer

5. A month in a year
  • der Januar = January
  • der Pebruar = February
  • der März = March
 6. Part of a day
  • der Abend = evening
  • der Mittag = afternoon
  • der Morgen = morning
7. Determiner in compass
  • der Süden = south
  • der Norden = north
  • der Osten = east

B. Die (feminim)
1. Female gender
  • die Tante = aunt
  • die Mutter = mother
2. Female ocupation
·         die Ärztin = woman doctor
  • die Kellnerin = waitress
  • die Lehrerin = woman teacher
3. Plants
  • die Tanne = tree
  • die Tulpe = tulip
  • die Sakura = sakura
4. Fruits
  • die Tomate = tomato
  • die Banane = banana
  • die Karotte = carrot
5. Nouns which suffixed by:
  • e – die Lampe = lamp
  • heit - die Freiheit = freedom
  • keit – die Möglichkeit = possibility
6. Final words from English lean word or other foreign language:
  • ade – die Limonade = lemon
  • anz – die Bilanz = neraca (Indo)
C. Das (Neutrum)
1. Nouns which started with “ge”
  • das Gesicht = wawasan (Indo)
  • das Gericht = court
2. Colour
  • das Blau = blue
  • das Grün = green
  • das Rot = red
4. Metallic nouns
  • das Silber = silver
  • das Gold = gold
  • das Metall = metal
5. Infinitive and verb which transform into noun
  • essen – das Essen = food
  • gut – das gute = greeting

2.5      Subject in Deutsch

First person
Second Person
Third Person

dia- perempuan“die”
dia – *KB.A “das”
First person
Second person
kalian semua
Third person

Anda ,tuan/nyonya

2.6      Conclusion

·         Deutsch is one of the most popular languages in the world, especially west Europe.
·         There are two variables of morpheme in Deutsch; derivational morpheme and inflectional morpheme.
·         Derivational morphemes consist of:
1.    Verb forming affixes; {-en}.
2.    Noun forming affixes; {-e}, {-est}, (-heit}, {-keit}, {-ung}
·         Inflectional morphemes consist of:
1.    Noun forming affixes; {-aber}, {-schaf}.
2.    Adjective forming suffixes; {-lich}
·         Deutsch knows three kind of articles; bestimmen artikel, unbestimmen artikel, and null artikel.
·         Bestimmen artikel consist of der, die, and das. Each of them is difference by its condition of follower noun.


Simon, kahlo and Barwinkel. DEUTSCH – INDONESISCH WORTERBUCH. 1967. Leipzig:     VEB Leipziger Druckhaus

Simon, kahlo and Barwinkel. INDONESISCH - DEUTSCH WORTERBUCH. 1967. Leipzig:     VEB Leipziger Druckhaus

Yunia, R and T. Kuhne. Kamus Jerman – Indonesia Indonesia – Jerman. 2010. Jakarta: Transmedia

Yunia, R. Buku Pintar Tata Bahasa Jerman. 2011. Jakarta: transmedia
