Clinic music studio is a one of the best music studio in Bekasi, West Java. Was located in Pulau Biak street, Perumnas 3 East Bekasi, Clinic music studio is so popular in Bekasi indie band environment.
There are some reasons why does clinic music studio become one of the best music studios. The main reason is the brand of the studio. Yes, the owner of the studio is a famous Indonesian singer band, Erdian Aji Prihartanto or more popular as Anji ‘Drive’. The other reason is the property of studio is very well. For example the stand of microphone is originally used by Anji in his early carrier in about 2006. And for other band equipment the staffs of studio keep the band equipment well.
Clinic music studio officially reopened in 2009 by Anji. Besides ‘Drive’, Clinic music studio also produced another Indonesian famous band, ‘Kotak’. As one of the best music studio, clinic has some facilities like a national standard music studio. Beside rental of music studio, clinic also offers music course and recording service.
For the price, clinic has competitive price. It does not so expensive, standard as its quality. For example, for studio music rental priced Rp35.000 per hour, for recording service priced Rp350.000 per shift (per 6 hours), and for music course priced Rp 250.000 per month.
Beside music studio, clinic also completes by another facilities such as internet lounge and café and little food court.